Privacy Policy
Oh My Giddy Aunt (OMGA) will only collect the information when customers enter that information through the websites or or when contact has been made with OMGA directly by phone or in person.
OMGA takes great care to store personal information in such a way as to protect such information from unauthorised access. Your personal information will be stored in a combination of secure computer storage, paper based secure files and other secure recording devices. OMGA makes every effort to ensure your personal information is not lost, misused, stolen, disclosed or abused by anyone.
OMGA will only use the personal information you have provided in the following, but not limited to, situations:
- to advise customers of up-coming exclusive and non-exclusive offers
- to provide customers with any information that they have requested
- to assist customers in any way in which they request assistance.
OMGA will not disclose your personal information in any form, for any reason whatsoever. Your personal details and email address will never be sold, traded, given away, disclosed to other users unless requested or allowed by you, or generally disclosed for any reason whatsoever.
OMGA makes all reasonable effort to ensure that any personal information that we collect, use and disclose, is correct. However, should any of the personal details and information that we collect, change in any way, it would be appreciated if you could advise the company so that our records can be updated and continue to be of service to you.
Should you wish to access the personal information we have collected from you, for any reason whatsoever, following a written request, we shall act in accordance with the Federal Privacy Act and provide you with a copy of all relevant personal information we hold about you.