Working Out Bracelet Sizes 

bangles or braceletsIn Australia Bracelet is the term used for a flexible chain or string of beads, pearls or cord that fastens loosely around the wrist.
The term Bangle usually refers to a hard or solid round or oval shape.
It is usually easier to work out a bracelet size using a length of ribbon and many bracelets can also be adjusted to be worn shorter or longer, however, there are still a few important guidelines.


 Australian Bracelet Measurements

There are two main measurements to consider with a bracelet.  The length and the width or thickness of the bracelet. The length is illustrated with the white line and the width is illustrated with the pink line on the ball bracelet below. 

ball bracelet length and width
The width of a baby, child or adult's bracelet will be a matter of personal preference.  Some women like wearing fine, delicate chains and some children will prefer a thicker chain that can also be worn into baby bracelet sizes

Thicker chains may need to be longer as they will sit out from the wrist more, whereas fine, thin chains will sit close to the skin and may be a little shorter.
Baby chain bracelets are often finer so they will snap if they get caught, but no child under three years should ever be left unattended while wearing jewellery of any sort. 

Average Bracelet Lengths for Baby, Child and Adult Bracelets

There are only a few centimeters in difference between the length of the average baby size bracelet and the average woman size bracelet but those centimeters can make all the difference between a bracelet fitting, being too tight or falling right off. The following bracelet lengths are averages only as sizes will vary depending on the size of the wearer and the width of the bracelet.
plain bracelets all sizes
  • Baby/toddler - approximately 15cm/16cm long
  • Small child - approximately 16cm/17cm long
  • Older child/teen - approximately 17cm/19cm
  • Women - approximately 19cm/21cm
  • Men - approximately 21cm/23cm

Adjusting a Bracelet Size

If you are investing in a sterling silver or solid gold bracelet and you want a bracelet that to be worn through life there are a few different options.
baby bracelet long
  1. Many baby length bracelets can be extended by a jeweller at a later date by adding an extra length of chain if you are able to match the chain style, or adding a couple of extra jump rings at the end. Pearl or ball bracelets can also be rethreaded with extra beads.  
  2. Adult length bracelets can also be adjusted for a child by having a jeweller remove some links.  Store the extra links somewhere safe so they can be re-attached again when needed. 
  3. Another option to enable a child to wear an adult's length bracelet is to fasten the clasp along the links and move it along as the child grows.  For this option it is best to ensure that the links are sturdy, solid, soldered and large enough to hold the clasp. 
  4. If you have clipped a chain along the links you can either let the end dangle, clip it up into the clasp (if the clasp is big enough) or use one of Oh My Giddy Aunt's clever little grow clips to keep the bracelet close to the wrist.

 star starter charm grow clip bracelet

If you would like help to work out a bracelet size please contact us and we will be very happy to assist. 

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