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What is the Right Age for a Locket?

bluebird lockets silverHow old were you when you were given your first locket? Do you still have it? If it was given to you when you were a child and it is still in one piece without bite marks, a broken clasp or hinge, well done to you! Or perhaps, well done to the person who taught you how to care for a locket properly!

Lockets are popular with jewellery lovers of all ages and while there isn't a 'right' age to receive a locket there are a few basic tips to know to ensure that precious sterling silver or 9ct gold lockets are telling their stories for many years to come.




Lockets are delicate pieces of opening jewellery.  They have finely balanced hinges and if opened too far or with too much force they can be damaged.  If lockets are opened incorrectly or with too much pressure in the wrong spot the little clasp can also be pushed out of alignment.

lockets with bite marks

No piece of jewellery is indestructible, but if treated and worn with care your locket can be a forever piece. Jewellery doesn't usually 'just break' but if children are taught the right way to care for precious, fine jewellery there will be less tears and more smiles!

Lockets are fiddly for fingers of all ages and it can be tempting for little children to use their teeth to try to get it open or too squeeze it closed. The locket pictured here shows the evidence of being opened and closed with little teeth!

To keep everyone happy, a Locket Care Card is included with Oh My Giddy Aunt's beautiful sterling silver and solid 9ct yellow or rose gold lockets and you will also find these tips on this page.



large silver locket celticOne secret to locket success is choosing a locket that is fit for purpose; the right size, the right shape and photo or memento holding capability, and because lockets are made in precious metal, in many cases there is also the question of cost. 

Cast lockets are the heaviest and most long lasting of lockets, but they are also more expensive due to the amount of metal required to make them.  Pressed or machine made lockets are much lighter and more affordable, but as they are light and precisely aligned they need to be treated with care. 

The size of the locket will depend on personal taste.  Adults wear lockets in all shapes and sizes but smaller sizes are usually given as children's lockets due to the cost and so they won't look too big on a little neck. 

Lockets can also be lost so it is important to check chains regularly and ensure the locket is the last thing put on when dressing and the first thing removed when undressing so that the locket will not get snagged in hair or clothing and damage the chain. 


A locket is a delicate piece of jewellery, expertly made and finely balanced to open and close on a hinge. To keep your locket in good condition it is important to treat it with care and follow a few basic guidelines.  A first precious locket is also a good way for children to learn the correct way to look after fine jewellery.


  • Please take a moment to find the correct way to open and close your locket. Some lockets have little indents along the opening line to show you where to place your thumbnail to gently open it
  • Open a locket gently. If you open it too far or too often you may damage the hinge or ruin the alignment.
  • To close a locket, make sure it is properly aligned before gently pressing closed. Do NOT press the centre of the locket or force it closed.  You should feel a little resistance but if it is not closing you may need to open it and realign it before closing it again.
  • Never open a locket with your teeth! And never close a locket with your teeth!
  • Avoid exposure to perfume, deodorants, hairspray, salt water, chemicals or abrasive materials.
  • To clean your locket, wipe it with a soft damp cloth. Lockets are not waterproof and too much water may damage photos inside.
  • Lockets need to be worn with care. Wearing a locket while playing sports, exercising or carrying bags or heavy items may result in the locket being banged or bumped about or squashed. Squashing a locket may result in the locket’s opening mechanism being pushed out of alignment, once damaged it is very difficult to repair a locket.
All jewellery can break with wear and tear, or if it is treated roughly. However, cared for correctly a precious locket can be telling stories for many, many years to come.



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